Ephesus Online

This page will list gig information, and other things happening with Ephesus.

I do not know of anything going on at this moment. The only member I really talk to is Chris but I will try and get in contact with the others. So far I know the band is still broken up, and plan to get back together sometime in the future. Besides that, all I know is Jared P, Michael, and Chris are away at college and Tony and Jared S. are in their last year of high school. I'll keep you updated on anything new.

This is the latest picture I have of the guys.  It was taken at Mike's 18th birthday party on August 12, 2004.  Tony wasn't there so he is not in the photo.

Michael Greene, Chris Balderson, Jared Sullivan, and Jared Petrie:


Disclaimer:  I am good friends with most of the band members and a huge fan of the group.  All of this information is true, seeing as I received it straight from the guys.  None of the graphics shall be taken without permission as they are subject to copyright.  None of this information shall be given out without permission

Copyright 2004 - 2005