Ephesus Online


Name: Kendall Ashton
Birthday: March 16


Color: Blue
Food: Pizza
Drink: Iced Tea

Musical Inspirations: Shane Cooley, Ephesus, Switchfoot, Ryan Cabrera, Avril Lavigne, Simple Plan

Message to visitors: Thanks so much for visiting, it means a lot to me that people come to this site. I hope you will spread the word of Ephesus. I think that in a couple of years they will be a big hit with your support. If I can help you in anyway just email me, I'd be glad to help. Please check back often for updates and thank you again for coming.

I love to sing, I can play some acoustic and electric guitar, the drums, and I can play some piano, but I am not in the band.

My AOL screen name is: lilsis9488


Please check out my official site by clicking below:


Disclaimer:  I am good friends with most of the band members and a huge fan of the group.  All of this information is true, seeing as I received it straight from the guys.  None of the graphics shall be taken without permission as they are subject to copyright.  None of this information shall be given out without permission

Copyright 2004 - 2005